22 Of The Most Interesting Museum Buildings Around The World
There’s an old adage that states it’s only what’s inside that matters, but the saying doesn’t quite apply to museum buildings—or at least it shouldn’t. Any good museum worth its salt knows that if it intends to captivate and enchant its visitors with its collections and exhibitions, the inspiration should spark long before they walk through the front doors. The buildings on this list blur the line between art and architecture; they’re structures that look unlike anything to have come before. Of course, some—like Thomas Heatherwick’s Zeitz MOCCA or the to-be-built Herzog & de Meuron–designed new Vancouver Art Gallery—are stunning examples of contemporary architecture, while other structures such as Frank Lloyd Wright’s Guggenheim Museum have stood the test of time. At once full of wonder and intrigue in addition to pure beauty, the institutions on this list are just as enchanting as the collections they exhibit inside.